Rhapsody in K (2019)
Choreography by: Ariel Grossman
Music by: Stefania de Kenessey and David Homan
Rhapsody in K evolved from the choreographer’s observation, as mother and teacher, of the raw emotion and freedom of spirit in children. Inspired by watching her own child’s uninhibited dance, Ms. Grossman reimagined her world in adult form. The constant interplay between naive innocence and adult complexity is explored. Self-awareness and the need for predictable behavior patterns and boundaries combine with child’s freedom of movement. How would it look if we let our bodies move without too much thought? What would we say? How would we relate to one another? The dance work explores how adult consciousness and insecurities prevent us from expressing our true selves. The new work investigates humor and lightness that children bring to our world, which Ms. Grossman believes is needed and appreciated.